Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Where to begin...

I created this blog page about 5 months ago, intending to keep up with it and never posted a darn thing!! Probably because I got pregnant and lazy and had nothing to say, cuz nothing was going on...??

Sooo..I guess I'll make a first post...

I'm 34, a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter and, after a miscarriage at 9 weeks in February, am expecting again. I recently lost my best friend (not like that, we had a falling out) and I've recently found myself making attempts to come out of the shell I've created around my little world.
I take pictures, I make jewellery, cards and other random assorted crafties.
I live in the Greater Vancouver Area. It's beautiful and expensive. We're from Alberta. I love Alberta, but the snow makes me want to kill myself, so I can't see us going back there.
I'm living life one day at a time and baking this little nugget, who's due on Feb. 29/12 Hopefully the end of the world doesn't come before her first birthday. ;)

Well, hopefully I'll remember to blog again and it will be more interesting...I make no promises though.

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