Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cheese Cracker's Story

On Friday, Feb. 17(38+2), I went into the hospital for my induction due to the gd. My bishop score was 0. I wasn't effaced, engaged, cervix was posterior, firm and baby was -3 stationed. (Not ready!)

I received my first of cervadil insert and was told to call in the morning to see if I could come back in for another insert, or progressed, the gel. I called in the morning and was told the were 'too busy" and they would call me with a new time. SUNDAY morning, I went back in, still no change, so more cervadil insertion. Back Monday for more. NO progress. Tuesday, my ob checked me, still no progress, couldn't even reach my cervix.

My sugars had been 100% controlled since the inductions began, bp was normal, dr didn't think baby was as big as first thought and every nst looked great, so it was recommended that I let my body take a break and return on the 27th.

During this entire time, my in laws had come in from Alberta and were anxiously awaiting Cheese Crackers arrival! They headed home to Alberta on Sunday, Feb, 26th, without meeting Cheese Cracker.

Went in Monday, the 27th, 1-2cms dilated, so I received the cervadil gel and was told to come back at 4:30 to see how progressed I was and to break my water and start oxytocin. Got there at 4:30 and was sent home because the maternity ward had too many urgent deliveries and not enough nurses. Back home I went... **This was all ok with me as Feb. 27th is the anniversary of my best friends death. It would have be too bitter sweet to have my lil one in my arms while heavy hearted.

 Back to the hospital the morning of February 28th at 7:30. FINALLY admitted...2 weeks later than they said they'd let me go. I was put in a labour room and had my water broken at 8:05 (weirdest feeling ever). Oxyotcin was started minutes later and progression started slowly.

By 10:45 I was at 3-4, 11:20 I was at 5.My nurse went for her lunch break at 11:30, contractions started getting really strong and hard to handle, so I asked for an epi. Epi came minutes later and immediately I felt the need to push. at 11:55, I was checked and told I was fully dilated. I was set up and ready to go, epi not quite working yet. I started pushing at 12:30-ish.

Within 20 minutes, the monitors were going off, the doctor was shouting, the nurses were in and out and I had no idea what was going on.

Suddenly, the ob was being paged, the dr was yelling that there wasn't time and I was being told to breathe. I was flipped from one side, to the other side and the epidural was being shut off. A heart monitor was being attached to baby's head to get a heart beat because the fetal heart machine wasn't reading anything.

I was ripped off the nst machine, doppler was on and suddenly an oxygen mask being thrown on me and the dr was yelling at me to push harder. A suction was being pulled out and I was being told not to worry, relax, breathe and push. Suction was put in and all I could hear was the dr yelling "BP TANYA? BABY?" And then "TANYA PUSH!" I needed to rest and was told "no" and that "This baby needs out NOW!" I had one nurse rubbing my back telling to breathe breathe, and the other yelling push harder.

I could feel unnatural and excruciatingly painful pressure on my rectum. This was, apparently, from the dr pulling with every fiber of her being, on the suction on baby's head.

20 minutes of hardcore, little stopping pushing, she finally came out. One day before her due date.

The Mosh got to cut the cord (which he didn't get to do with Bell because she came out not breathing) and she was put under the heat lights and checked. Her blood sugar was great, no jaundice, and everything else looked good.

I could hear the dr asking for immediate test run on the umbilical cord. The ob finally comes in, and assess whatever needed to be assessed.

I had 3rd degree tears to both sides of my vagina and 2nd degree to my rectum. I was stitched up and finally got to hold my girl. Then the dr came in.

The machines weren't malfunctioning. Cheese Cracker's heart had stopped, at least 3 registered times, and my bp was plummeting. She was in fetal distress and I was going into shock. Also, the umbilical cord was located in the wrong spot. It's usual location is in the middle of the placenta, mine was on the edge of the placenta, almost a part of the sac. The placenta was beginning to thin in places, which was due to the gd.

The doctor was shaking and saying she can't remember the last time she came so close to losing both mom and child.

But, we're both good. She has no complications from the diabetes and my sugars have been good. I feel tired and like I have a new asshole, but I'm happy. :) Little Bell adores her new sister, but thinks we should have "stuck with Georgia" haha.

And, for someone so disconnected from this pregnancy, I am in awe and so in love. I can't believe she's here.

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