Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's Been A While's been months since I've posted here. I kind of avoided my feelings during my pregnancy, which, in turn, means I avoided this blog. So, let's recap the lat few months. I got gestational diabetes. I had to go on insulin because I could not control it with diet and exercise. I was put on 4 doses a day. 2 quick releases and 2 slow releases. I gained 34lbs. 3 weeks after the GD diet started, I lost 12lbs and when I gave birth, I had only gained back 2lbs. Christmas came, Christmas went. New Years came, New Years went. I was put on weekly nonstress tests and bimonthly diabetes appointments. For the months of January and February, I had 2-3 appointments weekly. My birthday came, my birthday went. My in laws came, my in laws went. I was set to be induced on Friday, Feb. 17. That's another post in itself...

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